Both the last day of this week and the first day of next week are recognized as significant. One I enjoy and one I dislike (I say dislike only because I dislike the word “hate”). I dislike April Fools’ Day. Don’t misunderstand – I have no qualms about April 1st; I do, however, about the use of it as an opportunity to pull pranks and legs and to raise false hopes and Cain. If given the chance to adjust the calendar, removing this custom of a day of fools earns my vote. I look forward to this year’s day after April Fools for two reasons. First, April 2, 2023, is a Sunday. Sundays are great. I get to join with my brothers and sisters in faith in worshipping our Creator. I also get to serve by preaching from the written Word of God. Second, April 2, 2023, is Palm Sunday. Palm Sundays are great. We get to read about and reflect upon the joy-filled streets of Jerusalem in the days of Jesus when throngs of God-fearing, God-loving people gathered to praise the arriving Messiah. They delighted in His grand entry – which, while grand, remained humble as He rode the foal of a donkey.
From the more-than-a-few mouths poured praise. Jesus’ arrival communicated to them that they were to be rescued – rescued from the oppression of the Roman Empire.
I encourage you to use April 2, 2023, as a day to follow their example by allowing your mouth to pour praise. The Jesus who rode into Jerusalem that day will return in His own perfect timing. If you are ready, as were the eager bridesmaids of Jesus’ parable, you have reason to pour praise for you know that God loves you and will therefore guide, comfort, and rescue you. Skip the prank on the 1st and pour out praise on the 2nd. #ordinarylives
October 2023