The father with "man after God's own heart" fame devoted time to teaching his son. The son, Solomon, listened. He also remembered. In fact, Solomon quoted his father. Here's a sample.
The Old Testament historical book 1 Kings provides an account of Solomon as a young man recently enthroned as the third King of Israel. In chapter three, the reader is privy to the content of a conversation between the new king and the almighty LORD. God opens the dialogue with an amazing offer. An offer that reminds me of the stories of genies, bottles, and wishes - only this story is true.
For what does Solomon ask? Wisdom. Why did Solomon ask for wisdom? Wisdom rather than riches or long life? I believe that the answer is found in the Proverbs 4 passage. Look again at one of those verses.
Solomon's motivation for asking for wisdom started with David, his father. If you are not a parent, please keep reading this post. If you are a parent, please keep reading this post and engage your best focusing skills. We can learn a key truth here. Truth: Our children notice our priorities. If I were to ask your daughter or son what they thought were the three most important things to you, how would they answer?
![]() I have an idea. Why don't you and I go ask our kids today? Let's learn what we are modeling and teaching by hearing their answers. #ordinarylives
October 2023