What is your favorite dessert? Every time I write the last word of the previous sentence, I pause to make sure that I include the second “s.” Without that second “s,” your desired treat tastes a lot like sand! The second “s” is really important. Not that deserts are bad places (as long as you intend to be there); but they certainly are not bowls of ice cream, chocolate bars, or warm pie. What is your Second S? In other words, what in your life brings you great joy? Most likely, your answer is in the plural. To name a few of my “whats” … I am thankful for those “whats.” I am most thankful for my ultimate “What” – Jesus! Without Jesus, my life would be like a deserted desert rather than a land rich with beauty in which I can “taste and see that the Lord is good.” You could call Jesus my “Second S” (not to disrespect Him with a nickname). When Jesus is within a person’s life as Lord and Savior, the resulting rebirth brings life and joy as the person is transformed into a devoted follower of Christ. Life with Jesus is one of flavor and delight. For forty years, Moses led the wandering people through the dessert. Right? No. Through the desert – a place void of the richness of “milk and honey,” void of the joy of living in the land God meant for them.
We fill our lives with many “whats” – many of them good. But only One “What” removes wandering and leads to living the life God meant for you. The name of that “What” is Jesus. #ordinarylives
October 2023