Mark, the gospel, contains the story of a man with leprosy who came to Jesus begging for healing. In his telling of the event, Mark includes an observation that seems out of place. Notice the first sentence of verse 41. Because I believe that the Bible is true and trustworthy, I must acknowledge that those three words belong in the text. So, Jesus was angry. Why was He so angry? Biblical scholars propose two theories. The one that reads most naturally is the theory that holds Jesus' anger was disease targeted. In the words of William Lane . . .
Jesus was not angry with the leper; He was quite upset with the results of sin. We (humans) invite sin into the world and sin pollutes. Sin started corrupting in the Garden and it has not ceased since. Jesus was angry with sin and its spawn. Yet, just as Paul would later instruct Jesus' followers, Jesus did not sin in His anger. Rather, He harnessed it and chose compassionate love.
What do you do with your anger? Most of us will not heal lepers. Yet can we not speak words of love to those who are suffering? Can we not find a way to help a person in need even if their poor choices led to their situation? You and I will continue to see the results of our sin and the sin of others. We have a choice to make. Will we focus more on results or on ways we can help within them? Jesus reached out His hand to the man in need. So should we. #ordinarylives Reference:
Lane, William M. The New International Commentary on the New Testament – The Gospel of Mark. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1993.
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